Hiring Part-Time Maid To Iron Clothes

part-time maid for ironing clothes
part-time maid for ironing clothes

Hiring Part-Time Maid For Ironing Clothes? Many of us are living in busy times therefore we may not have time to take care of daily chores. Starting from waking up to the night, we have many personal chores and tasks that need to be completed.

When we go to work, we need to be well dressed. We need to have the best of clothes and attires. However, this is just one part of the story. We also should ensure that our clothes are ironed properly. Ironing is indeed time-consuming and given the busy schedule, we would like somebody else to iron clothes.

While there’s offers ironing clothes, it is not always possible to visit, give the clothes and get ready for work. Hence, quite a few of us look into the possibility of hiring professionals for the job. We will talk about if hiring a part-time maid for the purpose of ironing one’s clothes is a good choice.

Why Hiring Part-Time Maids Could Be A Good Idea

While there are some people who are comfortable doing home chores, ironing clothes certainly may be time-consuming. In such situations, it would be a good idea to hire maids for the purpose of ironing clothes. Hiring maids for all the jobs could be prohibitive as far as costs are concerned. Therefore, there are people who find it prudent to hire maid short term instead of keeping them for permanent. While this is a practical and workable idea, it has to be done carefully. Some few important points to be kept in mind when hiring maid just for the purpose of ironing clothes.

full time ironing professionals
full time ironing professionals

Are They Good As Full Time Ironing Professionals?

As far as Singapore is concerned, there are many full-time maids just for the purpose of ironing clothes. There is no doubt that they do a very good job of it. But as mentioned above, their costs are extremely prohibitive, to say the least. While reducing cost is an option, we should be sure that such cost cuts are commensurate with the quality. They might talk about the experience in ironing but actually they might be just getting to learning. It may not make much sense to hire them because they will not be able to do a good job. Even if they are well versed with quality they may have many customers in their list.

Finding Part-Time Maid To Iron Clothes

If you are really keen on hiring part-time maids, you must make sure that you hire the right talent. You could take referrals from friends or relatives. This is the simplest, easiest and sure-shot way of identifying the right maids for part-time ironing. You can be sure that they will be able to do a quality job of the ironing.

You could also take the help of online yellow pages and also local print-based yellow pages. Many of these maids advertise their services. Further, there are also agencies who hire these professionals and you could be sure that you will get the best of maids for part-time ironing.

Making use of keywords is also one more way that could help you to identify a good part-time maid with experience in ironing clothes.

cost of hiring part time maid

Costs of Hiring Part-Time Maid For Ironing Clothes?

Part-time maids charge different rates for ironing. This depends on time, distance and other such factors. Hence, before hiring them to be sure that their rates are in line market and are not too high or too low.


To sum up, there is a growing demand for part-time maids for ironing of clothes. Hence, you must do your research and choose only those who are experienced and also have the right kind of expertise to do a good job of it.

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